Jan 14, 2012


I've probably said something to this effect before, but I will repeat myself if that is the case.
Weekends are a pain.

Don't get me wrong, it's nice not having classes and all that jazz, but when you factor in how much I have to scramble to find someone to hang out with or some party to go to or something to freaking DO it's not all that relaxing.  If I don't seek things like that out I end up watching netflix or playing some video game.

Hmm, that reminds me I need to go on another video game fast soon.  Maybe a whole media fast again, looks like the last one didn't take...

So yes, I spent last night watching netflix and yes I got a little bit depressed which is bad because so far I've gone basically the whole term (all two weeks) without really getting down like that.  Saturday looks like it will have a similar effect so far.


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