Jan 30, 2012


I haven't posted here in 9 days!  That might be a record for this blog!  Why could this be?
Is it that my class schedule is too busy?  Could it be that I haven't had any deep penetrating thoughts of late?  Have I been too depressed?

Well I'll answer those in order:
A bit
No, of course I have
No no no.

Honestly my depression hasn't really bothered me at all lately.  I mean I'll still get a case of the blahs occasionally, but other than that I've been pretty good.
Also I seem to have inexplicably made new friends.  I'm a biiiiiiit of a shut-in so this is really an interesting happenstance.  They are cool people.

ALSO (and I'm just stating what I heard, not trying to toot my own horn) I heard from a source that the girls dorm hall opposite our own was talking about me in a positive manner last night.  Hmmmm!  Next thing you know I'll have self-esteem! Woo!

As for deep thoughts I was thinking about the mentality of a fan.  (I guess it's not THAT deep, but work with me here)  Like someone who's a fan of something or someone.  I always wonder what drives them?  I mean there are artists and people whom I respect and I enjoy their works, but I would never call myself a die-hard fan of something.  Nothing comes to mind anyway (you may remember me talking about a celebrity crush I had awhile back.  I'd like to point out that it lasted only about 2 weeks.  Tops.)
If I were to meet an artist or actor whom I respected (for example, David Tennant) I don't think I would bask in his presence.  Pretty sure I wouldn't anyway.  They're talented, but they're still people.

But who knows?  Maybe I would be totally overwhelmed and would offer to kiss his feet or something?


Jan 21, 2012

dances Dances DANCES

It's not dances I hate, I've realized.  It's just when they're going on that I dislike.  Cuz during that time, I'm well aware a lot of people are having fun doing dance things and all that and I'm in my dorm.  I also realize that I'm a free individual who could go to the dance, with nothing holding me back.  Except for me.

Because lastly I realize if I go to said dance, I will fricking clam up, not dance, hide during slow songs, and get a little freaked out by the huge close crowd because I have just a touch of agrophobia.

So go dance and have fun, I don't hold it against you.  The only trouble I hold against anyone is myself.

Darnit self!

Jan 19, 2012

Stuff and things

Hello!  Been awhile since I've posted, hasn't it?  I say!  Well things haven't been bad, and that's good. Err, that's obvious I guess.
Let me explain my school schedule very basically, though, because it's pretty mad!  I'll just say which hours are occupied because the classes are kind of irrelevant.
Monday!  Class from 9-2 and then another one a 4 (all of these classes are 50 minutes long with 10 minutes passing time.  They are also all in different buildings)
Tuesday!  Class at 9 and then work from 5:30-10ish
Wednesday is the same as Monday...
Thursday Class at 9 and 12, then work at 5:30-10
Fridays have class from 9-11, then one at 1 and one at 4
And that's that.

Now you know when to stalk me you CREEPIES!
Nah, just kidding.  You don't even know where I live.
Do you?

Jan 14, 2012


I've probably said something to this effect before, but I will repeat myself if that is the case.
Weekends are a pain.

Don't get me wrong, it's nice not having classes and all that jazz, but when you factor in how much I have to scramble to find someone to hang out with or some party to go to or something to freaking DO it's not all that relaxing.  If I don't seek things like that out I end up watching netflix or playing some video game.

Hmm, that reminds me I need to go on another video game fast soon.  Maybe a whole media fast again, looks like the last one didn't take...

So yes, I spent last night watching netflix and yes I got a little bit depressed which is bad because so far I've gone basically the whole term (all two weeks) without really getting down like that.  Saturday looks like it will have a similar effect so far.


Jan 10, 2012


       Yesterday was a good.  For the first time in quite awhile I acted and was the Khail I always wanted to be, for the evening at least.  I can't help but wonder if I'm able to relax a bit easier now because I'm finally comfortable with being here or if my heavy school and work schedule is just exhausting me to the point that I just don't act shy anymore.  It's a good sign I think either way.
       I also started my workout yesterday, which will be a daily occurrence I hope (minus Sundays).  Any real exercise trainer or coach would be embarrassed watching me do my little reps of simple non-weight exercises (I do it in my dorm, I'm slightly afraid of the gym), but they make me happy, and I think I'll start looking a litte more toned before long (I don't have the body type to ever be "buff").


Jan 7, 2012

Woah nelly

I love my job nearly all the time, but some times it can give me a very long night.
Tonight at work was the farthest behind that I (or my crew) have ever gotten.  It wasn't mine or their fault, it was just prep work that took longer than expected is all.  I'll admit though, the ensuing panic to clean up and get out at a decent time was the worst I've seen in the prep kitchen.  It even managed to damage the chipper attitude I maintain (quite sincerely, in fact) while I work.  That kind of shocked me, I never get stressed at work (well, overly stressed anyway, there's always a little) to the point it affects my performance or mood.
Not to say it slowed me down, it actually put my cleaning work into overdrive.  Probably scared my coworker (who was a sub for my usual one).  Oops!

No, there's nothing deep about this.  Just happened.  Life happens.
Stay freshish.

Jan 5, 2012

Slow down?

It seems like there's been more space between blog posts, hasn't there been?  Go figure, I don't really have much of a reason for it except I've been in a good mood for the most part.  Part of the reason for this is that

Now, some people would be very sad about this, but I am not.  For one thing, my last roommate was a scuz.  I've really toned that down until now, but a combination of his habits and routines (and the big couch he LEFT in our... MY... already too small dorm.  That was stinging) made me just happy to see him move out.  So I'm happy with single occupancy right now.  Oh yeah, plus I've almost NEVER HAD single occupancy before!  I've got 5 brothers, so for most of my life I've had to share a room (there was a 2 month period where I had my own, but it changed.  Bleah.)  I think this will be a good experience for when I'm a bachelor for the rest of my life.
Haha, no that's just one of the depressing things I say sometimes for fun.  I am not that hopeless!  I just need to meet another girl who's right for me is all.  The social dance class I'm in is promising for being able to meet the people of the gender which has confused even Stephen Hawking.  (Look it up, he called women the greatest mystery).

So I've been playing this old 8-bit game called cave story.  It's fun.
Woops!  I promised I wouldn't put emoticons in my blog because the point of it was not to summarize things as much as text speech does!  Let me do it for real this time...
     o         o

ugh... now I see why emoticons are so popular...

Jan 1, 2012

Ohhhhhhhhh my head

This happened last new year too...

I didn't get drunk, as I don't drink, and I went to bed at a little past midnight, which is normal.

And I have awoken feeling entirely hungover.

Man, next year I might just get entirely drunk.  Wait, I'll be on my mission then... right.

Well happy new year, and no it's probably not our last.