May 8, 2011

Welcome back

Seems like it's been forever since I posted.  Can't say I've got much of an excuse, because lots of things have been happening in all truth.  Now if only I could remember them...

SENIORITIS!!!!!   I've got a terminal case of senioritis... I need to be GONE!  (FYI I move out to college in Utah in 37 days from this post... oh man)  Especially since it was the senior band banquet today, which was pretty nostalgic now that I think about it...  I'm really leaving soon.

         On that note, I feel inclined to put down a fear of mine.  A deep set, untameable fear... Did I leave a mark?  Did I in some way add something to where I've been for my entire childhood up until now leave something that people will remember me for?  It's a pathetic thing to pine about, I realize this.  Hoping and fearing will not change the past, I'm not The Doctor unfortunately (or am I?  mwa ha ha) I might as well just accept I've been who I've been and let people see that as they will...  Not an easy concept for me, I've been a bit of a sucker for the spotlight, hence my getting into acting.

         Well, I do have one thing I can't ever regret, which was prom with Spirit!  It went off seamlessly perfect!  Can't think of one part of the night I didn't enjoy.  Not even my few near misses on the road!  It's particularly rare for something to be that fun for the entirety of the event!

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