May 19, 2011

25 to go

    Got a choir concert deal coming up tomorrow and saturday... gonna be a mad time, but in a good way.  And I even got a few solos!  However, for some reason all of these solos are from songs involving some sort of heartbreak ("One is the loneliest number" and "And so it goes")... in fact it's pretty much coincidence that it ended up that way.  I think it kinda makes me look more pathetic than I am in a way, but oh well.  They're both pretty good songs.  PLUS I'm in a group which is singing the pokemon theme song, which is straight up awesome!
    I've got quite a few more vlog posts up on my channel, and only most of them are cream soda related, so if you get bored, or need something to distract you, then go check them out so I get more hits and get famous and make much money and retire early!!
      No, actually fame and wealth aren't that important to me (they are a little bit, but that just comes with being human and a bit of an actor I guess).  I like making videos because I like to make people happy!  It's my hope that you'll watch my videos and say "Oh, that was pleasant!" and then maybe have a better day or something.  I also kinda want to eventually make videos which can make you think about stuff, but one thing at a time.
       On a semi, not at all related note, I took another one of those personality tests!  Similar to the one that put me in the INFP personality type.  This one was some form of subdivisions of personality types.  I can't for the life of me remember the letters that stood for everything, but I do remember what I ended up being.
     I'm a "healer".
  This essentially means that I look at problems, generally referring to other people, and want to do something that will make them right or happy again.  This isn't new to me as I've always had some sort of sense of empathy, but by having it told to me by a test, it makes it more legit right?
         In a way I feel more like a "wannabe-healer" because I'm not usually the most forward of people (heck it took me a month to psyche myself up enough to text a girl I liked) so I don't always take the initiative in helping people.  Stupid "I" in INFP!!!! (I stands for "introverted")  Maybe I'll be more extravertish in college.  When I'm Khail!!

25 days til I leave

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