Apr 24, 2011

Happy Easter

          Easter is a very important holiday, as I am a Christian and I think Jesus being resurrected is a very special and amazing thing.   Getting candy is nice too.
         However, something a little less exciting about today is how on the way to church I somehow managed to get a $200 DOLLAR SPEEDING TICKET!!!!!!!!!   FACE PALM!  Oh I feel like an idiot, but I'll be the first to admit it's about time for a cop (a sheriff in this case) to slow me down, as I have an atrociously bad habit of speeding (as well as other unsafe driving practices).  It seems my motto of "Drive like You're a Roller Coaster" has gotten me in trouble at this amusement park.  So now I need to get a job again.  Maybe I should have cried for the officer....
       That wouldn't work, I'm just about physically incapable of crying.  It's a curious phenomenon which seems to strike many males, but me in particular.  It's odd since I'm not emotionally insensitive and it's not like I haven't never felt like I needed to, it just wouldn't happen.  That's probably unhealthy in some way, I don't know.

      On an unrelated note, me and Spirit hung out on Friday to just talk about prom and fly kites and such.  It's good to get out of the house.  Also I went horseback riding on Saturday... forgot how much I liked doing that...

Well happy Easter, and if you're not Christian, happy Day-Which-Probably-Doesn't-Hold-Any-Significance-For-You  (Or DWPDHASFY day, which is technically redundant.)

Apr 19, 2011


And incite happy!
Hey my second vlog post is up and the third will be out possibly tomorrow... PLUS I'm working on one that is not cream soda related, and is actually pretty fun to watch I'm hoping, should be up by thursday!

Now then, onto other things!  I have a friend.  I shall call her Spirit because I was in a play with her in which
I played a ghost.  We've been friends since and have been chatting on and off for the past 4 years or so (she lives a bit far) but she's a quite fine person.  And she's my prom date.
Now, we're only going as friends, and it's her prom, but considering I didn't think I had a prayers chance at going at all a week or so ago, this is pretty awesome.
That's worded wrong, she's not a fallback, she's a great friend. And I'm very excited.

No go watch some cool stuff!

Apr 14, 2011

Here it is!

My first Vlog post!!!
The link is : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2cekCNH7sw if you're interested!

I've wanted to do this for awhile, and if you want to see what I look like as well as learn my first name, go on ahead and watch it!  I encourage such action!
So stop wasting time, and go watch it.  Then tell everyone else to watch it.

And if you think it's not very good, I promise the next ones will be better, as I am learning quickly in my independent study for video editing.


Apr 10, 2011


      So I flew my kite yesterday... I was alone because all my friends were pretty much busy doing stuff, so I was contentedly soaring on my own.  It wasn't very windy, but it is still possible to get a kite up in the slightest of breezes, though one must be ready to simply have it crash to the ground if the wind dies completely (which doesn't happen very often the higher up you go).  In the end I regret to say that my kite became a permanent resident of a tree, which wasn't climbable and I didn't have a handy ladder around.
        But having all that time to myself made me think about life and how it's like flying a kite.  For instance...
-Sometimes a great windy day comes up and you'll be up and soaring in no time, everything works out

-Sometimes there's less wind and it takes a lot of patience and diligence to get flying, troubles abound

-Occasionally you crash, and have to decide whether to get up again, but you know that it's possible and that you can still fly if you have the will

-There are times when you wish you had more string, so you could go even higher and achieve more

-Sometimes you do have enough string and you're blissfully reaching for the clouds and going as far as you want to

-There can be storms, which make flying a very foolish and dangerous thing to do, it's better to stay on the ground

-You can collide with other kites, and cut their strings accidentally, knowing it won't always be easy to repair

-Or you can soar by those other kites in unison, going with the wind and giving your all

-And every now and then you can get caught in a tree.  Seemingly hopeless and stuck.  Alone with grabbing branches; not knowing if or when you'll be free from the sticking prison.

Well lately I've been stuck in a tree, for the last couple weeks or so.  There's no real root cause for it, just a slow spiral caught me there and I've been stuck and just a little alone.  But I've been holding on pretty well I think, and I sense that a few ladders have been put on the tree to help me out and get me flying again.
I'm ready to lengthen my string.

Apr 9, 2011

Free time

I really want to go fly a kite!  I mean seriously, it's been bothering me for awhile, as I've had quite a lot of free time lately (though some has been dedicated to making my Vlog, first post should be up by this week).
I don't even know if I own a kite anywhere, but to me flying a kite is one of the best things possible to do during open time.  And I quite honestly mean that!  I'd rather go fly my possibly existing kite than play Call of Duty (I'm a fan of the older games of that, the WWII ones...)
The only possible reason that I might not go kite flying today (and I will do everything in my means to get a kite) is that there are thunderstorms expected later today and I don't really want to pull a Ben Franklin...

On an unrelated note, I spent this morning looking up a Russian pop singer by the name of Vitas.  I'm intrigued by his voice, which can go several octaves higher than the average man's voice.  Also, in comparison to American pop music (and some British pop I guess) Vitas' stuff is so much better in my humble opinion!
For instance, no electric guitar. (Don't get me wrong, I like guitars of any variety, but it seems like some people think that all they need is a few chords and then they get stardom, fame, vanity, magazines, and my disgust).
He uses a small string orchestra and an accordion in a fashion that just rocks!  If you want a good approximation of what I think is his best song so far, check out "Vitas_Opera #2" on YouTube.  Though I'd reccomend the live version because it sounds a bit better and the music video is admittedly really weird...

Kites and Russian Singers... The thoughts of an odd mind

Apr 3, 2011

Randomness #6

Here we go!  More random things jumping from my brain.  Won't be easy, I've got a headache...

      I'm constantly plagued with the thought of what I would say if I was met by aliens or some other supernatural life form, if they came up to me and said, "So, tell me about your home!"  Seriously, will I even take it naturally that they're right there?  Probably, since I've seen movies... but it would be REAL!  Oh man!

      Another thought:  If I was bestowed with amazing superpowers to do something pretty destructive, would the government try to draft me?  Would I go?  Hmm....

      I someday hope that they make antigravity belts, I'd have a blast harassing geese.


      I almost never joined Facebook when it was still getting crazy.  I wonder what would've happened if I hadn't ever... What if I dropped it now?  Hmmm....

       I'm gonna go on an adventure!  Maybe not today, but someday soon!  I've GOT to!

      Wait, who just climbed through my window? Oh wait, that was me.  Just doing a little self burglary folks, gotta be a ninja somehow.

-Love you all

Apr 1, 2011

Open a door

         Although a door of my life has closed, I sense a new one opening.  An unrelated one, but one that's distracting enough to bring me up to a happy person again.
       My soon-to-be Vlog!!! (tada!)  Made possible by an independent study credit which will begin on Monday!  It's got all the things I need:
-Access to good cameras.
-Access to good computers with out of this world editing technology.
-A supervising teacher who doesn't really care much about what I do.
-The studio!
I don't know what my Vlog will be about just yet, but I've already picked a YouTube alias which I like the sound of.  It's "CrunchyCrystals" which I thought was kind of catchy (don't look it up yet, I haven't posted anything).
So now I'm excited again!  Hope I don't blow it.