Feb 7, 2012

Things are going in a fine manner

         More and more and more and more I feel like I should actively pursue the ancient and forbidden art of dating.  I don't exactly know what's holding me back.  Well, I suppose a part of it is insecurities, but I think I'm very slowly getting over/used to them.  I guess another reason is I'm not attracted to anyone in particular (a few options, but nothing solid) and that's been the driving factor in my seeking dates in the past.  But the hopeless romantic in me is telling me to really start looking again.  It's tried this before, but I haven't felt willing until just recently.  Maybe it's because all my friends are dating a lot... hmmm

(My "e" key isn't working very well, it's annoying me)

        So the partial media fast has been doing alright.  Giving myself concessions is proving a profitable or risky business, since I do in fact get in my hour of homework and two hours of creativity to get an episode of Netflix in, but the temptation to keep watching it is strong.

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