Feb 14, 2012

Allow me to compile my senses

       At this time last year (specifically valentines day) I was delirious with love.  If you feel so inclined you can even look up that post and you'll find it is very discombobulated.  Well, this year I'm pretty single, but I have things to say about the day anyhow.
       Currently, I'm not one of the people who preps nice things and goes on about how he likes the holiday, because there is no reason for me to do those things.  But neither do I go on about how it's one big commercialized whoopdeedoo or that it's "single awareness day" or maybe that you should just show that kind of love all year.  I'll address all those things.
       As for it being a commercialized holiday, what holiday isn't?  The celebratory 24 hours came before the big boxes of chocolates in the store window and the obnoxious cupid advertisements.  And it's entirely up to a person whether or not to indulge in the way-too-colorful gifts that are pretty easy to buy.  And if that's what their partner wants then more power to them.  But one can take the idea of the day and choose give more meaningful things.  For instance, last year all my valentines gifts to my then love were homemade (oh except a flower, that was bought I guess) and they appeared to be very well received.  So I managed to keep the charmingness of the day without becoming a corporate tool!  Go me!
       As for it being "single awareness day" that's just bitterness.  Yeah people are going out a cheesy romantic dates and getting things and probably ...  anyway... and you aren't.  So?  You COULD use valentines day to show love to a justfriends friend or you could entirely ignore it and move on.  Ok, I admit it can be hard to ignore sometimes.  Believe me that I know the fear of dieing alone is strongest on Valentines day when you are single, but that's no reason to ruin someone elses day by touting about the evils of single awareness day to them.  That's just being mean.  Other people currently have the opportunity to have a fine romantic day and why would you want to ruin it by whining at them?  Stiff upper lip, mate!  S'only once a year, don't ya worry!
         Now if you are in a relationship and you're met with the infamous "why not let Valentines Day be all year?  You only love him/her that one day?  Weak" (you probably heard this from someone who believes in "single awareness day").  The reason you don't show the kind of affection expected on V-day is because that would EXHAUST you.  I believe you when you say you love him/her but it doesn't always mean you're infatuated with him/her (because infatuation all the time would be likewise exhausting).  The idea of V-day is to be infatuated with love again.  To be cornily romantic (which really is quite fun) for the day.  I'm not saying you shouldn't only do it once a year, but there's no reason why you should choose specifically not to on V-day.  Why not?  It's already got the societal glue of ritual behind it and there's no shame in that.

Besides.... Presents!!

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