Dec 6, 2011

This. Is. Not. Like. Me.

      Something that I find horribly pointless is celebrity crushes.  Notably crushes on actors/actresses.  It's a good thing to admire their work, and what the hey, a lot of them are quite attractive people.  No shame in that!  But when one is at the point where they're all "Man I'd have XXXXX's babies" or if they're more reserved (and less slutty-spoken) "Sure would love to take him/her out" and then go on to obsess just a bit (or a lot more than a bit) about this person, THEY ARE WASTING TIME.  Celebrities may or may not be nice people, depending on who they are, but even if they are, they most likely have NO idea who you are.
None at all.  Even if you got them to sign something or met them in person at some event, I highly doubt they will remember you for more than a few minutes simply because of the sheer amount of people they meet.  (Unless you do something so embarrassing that they can't forget you, but even then you're really worse off...).  I'd also like to mention that knowing a whole lot about a celebrity crush is essentially useless information.  It's not even a good ice breaker like trivial information is.
"Did you know that the Earth's rotation is actually gradually slowing down?" (We won't notice for thousands of years)
"Did you know that (apparently hot actresses name here)'s really likes to donate other people's kidneys?"
Umm, ok the Kidney one might be a decent ice breaker, but only because it's not real.  A better one is "Did you know (Actress)'s bra size is ???"  Uhhhh, who worth associating with cares?
I mean, c'mon, what are you going to do knowing what charities some actor or actress volunteers at?  No, it doesn't bring you closer to them.  They don't know who you are, remember?  And I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing!  Being well known or not doesn't diminish anyone's value.  Just who you'll ever end up meeting!
I bring this up because I bet there's a lot of people who agree with me, yet have celeb crushes anyway.  IT's hard to just drop anything.
Like I do.
Stupid emotions.

(But I DON'T know a lot of creepy things about her, because I refuse to look them up.)

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