Dec 29, 2011

Randomness #10

It's been awhile since I posted, huh!  That's probably because I've been pretty happy!  What point is there in posting to a mostly whiny blog when one is happy?  Well I still am, but I might as well do a randomness stuff.  It's full of vitamins and mineral.

Cashews are delicious!  So are almonds!  And pecans!  And peanuts!  And pistachios!  And ... Ah heck.  I just like nuts.

I'm going to a party today where they're making me a fedora cake!  I can think of no greater compliment.

Living in an RV doesn't sound like that bad of a deal.  Not as a bachelor anyway....

Oh amour, who needs ya?

For christmas, I got (another) new fedora!  Except this one is very high quality and will probably last a very long time.  It's just a better hat!  I also got a tweed overcoat and a khaki trenchcoat.  I love long coats!  This is the beginning of... me wearing long coats?  And a new hat?  That wasn't as dramatic written down as it was in my mind...

Jukeboxes are so rad, man!  I want one that operates using pennies.  I'd put it in my dorm.

Do hardcore consumerists cry the day after Christmas?  Is it like when you realize the thrill of buying a dog is over and that dog just peed on your carpet.

I like "How to Train your Dragon" a lot even though it's obviously not the best movie out there.  I don't know.  It's just so fun and cute!

Swing dancing again tonight!  Aw yeaaaaah!  I'm gonna not pick up any womens cuz... cuz I won't.

My neck kinda hurts.  I wonder if I slept on it funny?

Hey you all!  Do nice things for other people, especially drug dealers!  Those guys usually aren't all that lucky, maybe if they had a kind word, they'd reform.  Maybe.

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