Dec 29, 2011

Randomness #10

It's been awhile since I posted, huh!  That's probably because I've been pretty happy!  What point is there in posting to a mostly whiny blog when one is happy?  Well I still am, but I might as well do a randomness stuff.  It's full of vitamins and mineral.

Cashews are delicious!  So are almonds!  And pecans!  And peanuts!  And pistachios!  And ... Ah heck.  I just like nuts.

I'm going to a party today where they're making me a fedora cake!  I can think of no greater compliment.

Living in an RV doesn't sound like that bad of a deal.  Not as a bachelor anyway....

Oh amour, who needs ya?

For christmas, I got (another) new fedora!  Except this one is very high quality and will probably last a very long time.  It's just a better hat!  I also got a tweed overcoat and a khaki trenchcoat.  I love long coats!  This is the beginning of... me wearing long coats?  And a new hat?  That wasn't as dramatic written down as it was in my mind...

Jukeboxes are so rad, man!  I want one that operates using pennies.  I'd put it in my dorm.

Do hardcore consumerists cry the day after Christmas?  Is it like when you realize the thrill of buying a dog is over and that dog just peed on your carpet.

I like "How to Train your Dragon" a lot even though it's obviously not the best movie out there.  I don't know.  It's just so fun and cute!

Swing dancing again tonight!  Aw yeaaaaah!  I'm gonna not pick up any womens cuz... cuz I won't.

My neck kinda hurts.  I wonder if I slept on it funny?

Hey you all!  Do nice things for other people, especially drug dealers!  Those guys usually aren't all that lucky, maybe if they had a kind word, they'd reform.  Maybe.

Dec 21, 2011

Home again

I am home and I am happy because I just realized how much better I like it here than I do in Provo.  In som ways anyhow.  I do like mountains more than flats (probably because I have no car) but the company is better here because I HAVE company.  At least, a lot more often and it's more easy to relate to them I guess.
I can be more me-ish?  Hmm, now what does THAT mean?  It was brought to light that I don't have personality.  No that's not right, I've got PLENTY of personality.  I just don't know what it is.  Who I am.  Blah.
My mom pointed out to me that I do this thing with my voice (push it back she says) when I'm obviously faking or saying what people probably want to hear.  That's sorta why I cancelled my therapy.  I just couldn't open up to the guy.  Too busy trying to reassure that I really wasn't bad off at all, silly.  I guess I just don't like people worrying about me and I'd rather they were happy.  If the sacrifice is that I'm terrible at sharing some of my own beef, than so be it?
Is that me?

I hanged out with some friends from home today.  It was fun and I got too excited and thus talkative.  Probably talked more at once today than I have in the last 6 months.

Of course, now that I look back, I was also on a painkiller that featured a lot of caffeine...  That probably helped...

Dec 17, 2011


Whewffta!  I slept til like 10 today!  For me that is ridiculously late.  And I didn't even get a headache!  I didn't get one from the two hours of civilization four I played either.  Feeling a little glazed maybe, and if I do get the headsaw, then I have my Excedrin.  Excedrin is a miracle drug, cuz advil and aspirin sometimes just don't cut it.  But excedrin has the secret weapon of a ton of caffeine, which apparently helps...

Hey.. it just deleted my entire post beyond that!  Aww

-Ok, here's what it was:
-got to and give it money
-the word "Awesome" shouldn't be used that much, but whatever
-I wrote a hilariously depressing song, but I'm not depressed so I don't really know why
-I'm a person.

Dec 15, 2011

Finals finished

One would think that now that I've finished finals, I would be relieved and happy.
And in many ways I am, but today still has the makings of something that went wrong.

I'm noticing this pattern of events that happen the night before a big test, because I identified the three non-variables:
1. I had trouble getting to sleep.  When I have something weighing on my mind, I really just don't get to sleep easily.
2. Inexplicably, my roommate always snores his loudest on nights before I test.  I really in all honesty can't sleep while that's going on... And seriously, ALWAYS the night before I test!
3. My neighbor (I suspect it's my closest neighbor, also known as my RA) loves either loud music or movies in what can only technically be called the morning.
Needless to say, a sleep-deprived Khail is not the kind that is fun to be around.
Ok, so I've heard that book sellbacks at University bookstores were stingy.  My hopes weren't too high.
  First of all, a book I paid 80 bucks for (USED) and that go no damage sold for less than half!  And that's the only book they bought back, the rest were apparently "no good".  So I've got about $150 worth of books I don't want at all.

Woooaaahh, there's a word I just don't use.  Maybe I should take a nap.

And yes, I'm very relieved and grateful that finals are done.

Dec 12, 2011

Final goal

So today is a day I cram for finals.  I have two of them tomorrow.  However, one of them is a film based on, which means we watch a film their and then write the critique.  Not a whole lot I can do to study for that, in all honesty, with the exception of looking over the requirements for the paper.  So that's pretty much done now.
The other one is my Creativity final, which involves a lot of history.  This is the one that I've devoted today to.  I think I've set up the way I'll manage this.  The studying is conveniently on a flashcard website that uses keywords and such with definitions and it'll even set up quizzes with them.  Nice nice, that's what I can use.  The important thing to manage is breaks.  Without breaks, I'll crash, burn, and die in explicit agony.  With too many breaks, I'll get no work done, go to my final tomorrow and crash, burn, then die in explicit agony.  I've developed the two kind of breaks that one should take.  There's the:
EYE BREAK:  This one is most important for keeping headaches and such away.  Eye breaks can be taken every 30-60 minutes, but should last no longer than 10 minutes.  An eye break is what it sounds like, a break for your eyes.  On an eye break, you CANNOT use your computer, cell phone, notebook, or anything else (that includes listening to music).  Use it to get a snack, lay down for a bit, use the bathroom, go for a quick jog.  Something that will keep you relaxed and able to focus, but not to break up the rhythm of studying.  The break for that is the:
GRACE BREAK:  Grace breaks can only be taken every two hours.  They can, however, last from 30-50 minutes.  Also, you can do anything during a grace break, be it on your computer or not... EXCEPT STUDY.  If your on a Grace break, then seriously, live life a little!  Play a video game, watch a quick show or maybe grab a small nap.  Just do something that is fun and will have you feel fresh and new and ready to dive back into the final with some renewed energy.

I recommend this system of breaks for anyone running their mind through the wood-chipper that is finals.

Dec 8, 2011

@#$% Dances

I used to like dances.  I used to be good at faking like I could dance.  I used to be able to ask a girl to slow dance with me.  Seriously, she could be a complete stranger!  But something (don't know what) happened. And now I can't.
Not entirely sure why.

What the frick.

Y'know, tomorrow I'll probably wake up feeling 100% better, and I'm not sure I trust that.

Dec 6, 2011

This. Is. Not. Like. Me.

      Something that I find horribly pointless is celebrity crushes.  Notably crushes on actors/actresses.  It's a good thing to admire their work, and what the hey, a lot of them are quite attractive people.  No shame in that!  But when one is at the point where they're all "Man I'd have XXXXX's babies" or if they're more reserved (and less slutty-spoken) "Sure would love to take him/her out" and then go on to obsess just a bit (or a lot more than a bit) about this person, THEY ARE WASTING TIME.  Celebrities may or may not be nice people, depending on who they are, but even if they are, they most likely have NO idea who you are.
None at all.  Even if you got them to sign something or met them in person at some event, I highly doubt they will remember you for more than a few minutes simply because of the sheer amount of people they meet.  (Unless you do something so embarrassing that they can't forget you, but even then you're really worse off...).  I'd also like to mention that knowing a whole lot about a celebrity crush is essentially useless information.  It's not even a good ice breaker like trivial information is.
"Did you know that the Earth's rotation is actually gradually slowing down?" (We won't notice for thousands of years)
"Did you know that (apparently hot actresses name here)'s really likes to donate other people's kidneys?"
Umm, ok the Kidney one might be a decent ice breaker, but only because it's not real.  A better one is "Did you know (Actress)'s bra size is ???"  Uhhhh, who worth associating with cares?
I mean, c'mon, what are you going to do knowing what charities some actor or actress volunteers at?  No, it doesn't bring you closer to them.  They don't know who you are, remember?  And I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing!  Being well known or not doesn't diminish anyone's value.  Just who you'll ever end up meeting!
I bring this up because I bet there's a lot of people who agree with me, yet have celeb crushes anyway.  IT's hard to just drop anything.
Like I do.
Stupid emotions.

(But I DON'T know a lot of creepy things about her, because I refuse to look them up.)

Dec 5, 2011


Heh, ignore that last post, it was, umm, nonexistant!!! You only imagined it!  That said, what is wrong with you?
Tody is the first day I've straight up enjoyed playing my guitar.  Oh did I mention?  My uncle Keith gave me a guitar.  I used to play, but kinda dropped it in high school (I wasn't all that good anyway) but now I'm picking it up again.
Don't get me wrong, I find it a pleasure to practice almost any time, but it can be a bit tedious sometimes.  However, today I got really into it and made some pretty cool, if not impressively intricate, music.  I was psyched (and am looking forward to playing again once I'm out of classes and have finished my clean check... yikes).  Also I'm sorta kinda developing my own sound, which is pretty nice.  It's sort of a rock influenced indie-folk sound.  The thing is that I rarely like to cover other peoples songs.  I find it useful to know a few songs by other bands, but I really just like to write my own stuff.  I'm even looking into adding lyrics to some of my more developed ones, but all in due time.
When it comes to guitars I honestly have a mixed opinion.  Its a great instrument and I love the sound of a good acoustic guitar, but it kinda bothers me when dudes learn three chords and then go and try to woo women.  It's even more annoying when it works.  And that's why I really don't plan to bring the ol' six string out of any practice environment until I have something to show that has a bit of skill.