Nov 28, 2011


My partial media fast is over today!  I screwed it up only about twice:
I did read through the archives of a comic I hadn't read and I played pandemic 2 for a bit.
I didn't ever go on Facebook, so that was a win.  I admit sometimes I yearned to just go on Facebook and kill some time (especially right before work) but I practiced ukulele or drew things instead.  Win.
In fact, my creativity went up while I was away from video games and overly social media.  I drew more comics, I played more ukulele, made a few vlog posts, and actually got out a few times with some folks who I suppose I might call friends.  Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to be back to FB and Minecraft.  They're fun diversions!  However, now that I now how much they hindered me before, I hope I will cut back on them quite a bit and thus make my life a better place to be.
All-in-all, I recommend it.

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