Nov 21, 2011

Hello Freaking world

       Sometimes I have trouble writing down the things I like.  I'm not saying it's a common practice of mine to do so, but when I join a website, update my Facebook (still on the fast from it, haven't broken!), add to a blog or something it's something I do.  And it's freaking hard!  I don't think that I'm just bad at liking things, because I do like plenty of things!  I think the world is beautiful and such (when I'm down I get upset at the world for being so beautiful and mocking my bad mood.  Did that make sense?  I hope not.)  It's just that when called to put those sorts of things down I just.... can't.... recall.... ANYTHING!  And it's slightly frustrating because then I wonder what I like and do I like anything and blah blah blah.


      I don't like blah.  It's just there to fill space.  No depth to blah.  Might as well not be there for all anyone cares with a blah.  blah blah blah

 I can't be blah.  I am doing what I can not to be blah!  There's too much life to freaking live and too many freaking adventures to freaking go on to freaking mope and say I'm freaking blah, which is what I was going to freaking do.  I freaking say "freaking" a lot when I want to rile myself up.  It kind of freaking works.

I recommend it to any freaking person who wants to just freaking sit there and freaking sulk.  And don't freaking use it to belittle yourself.  USE IT TO FREAKING WORK YOURSELF UP!!!


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