Nov 14, 2011


I think a total media fast (No computer, No cell phones, No TV, etc.) is really kinda stupid.  I mean, I couldn't function that well in a social scene (well, I already function poorly on the social scene) without my cell phone.  It's just a convenience.  Now if I texted for 5 hours a day, I would take a break from it, but I don't.  I really just use it to hang out with a few people.
So I'm doing a partial media fast.  Even though I'm allowing myself some things, it's still going to cut me down quite a bit.  Here's the parameters of it, and I hope I'll follow them religiously:
-NO Facebook.
-NO Video Games, with the exception being if they're for a date, which is highly unlikely
-Can only check webcomics on the day they update and ONLY the updated comics (no going through the archives)
-NO Netflix (easier since my family cancelled their plan) except at friend/family house.
-Can only watch updated YouTube channels and only the updates.  The exception is if I'm at a home other than my own and a video is showed to me.
-Blogging's alright, but a minimum of 30 minutes of reading blogs is allowed a DAY (not sure where to put comic blogs in this)
-I will still update my comic blog Monday, Wednesday, Friday.  This is just a hint that you should look at it...
-Looking up things on Wikipedia and other related sites is cool, EXCEPT for Minecraft wiki...  That's honestly a problem.
-Fast will start TOMORROW 11/15 and will be allowed to end on Monday the 28th!

     My whole reasoning behind this media fast is to motivate myself to do more things.  I noticed (and so did my therapist) that I just can't get myself to do things a lot of the time.  Realizing that two of the main culprits were Minecraft and Facebook, I chose (am choosing) to implement this fast.  Last time I did this was to get a date and was only video game related in my fast.  It kinda didn't work because I got a date only a few days later, which was (I think) only coincidence.  That's why this one has a definite set of dates.  I can get the coolest date ever and fall madly in love and I still have to wait until the 28th to add her on FB... probably (I guess that might be extenuating circumstances, but probably not going to happen anyhow).


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