Nov 25, 2011

My Lord, what a morning

       Ah, 'tis the morning here for me.  I slept beautifully with no silly waking up with headaches which oft happens when I sleep in.  As it's thanksgiving break, me, two of my brothers and they're significant others (one's got a wife, the other a fiancé, I get along very well with both) and my cousin who I've not seen for awhile are all staying the time at my Grandma's place in Southern Utah, which is a BEAUTIFUL place, let me tell you!  On Wednesday we went to all the neat rock shops that are in this little town and then helped my Uncle Keith put up a ceiling on the patio.  Yesterday was devoted to the thanksgiving feast, which was a coma inducing joy.  I acquired a surprising liking to stuffed mushrooms, which is odd because usually I don't like mushrooms or onions, which were in them.  After that me, my brother Jake (the engaged one) and my Uncle Keith had a good old hillbilly music time (Keith is a man of the mountains through and through.  He also randomly owns a lot of stringed instruments.  I got pretty good at the autoharp and I'm not bad at the mandolin).
        All in all, everything is fine.  I kinda wish school wasn't coming on Monday, but I think that I'm ready for it mentally/emotionally yadda yadda yadda.
    Alright, love you all!

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