Nov 18, 2011


      Sometimes I feel the need to check the stats on this here blog (I usually follow my comic blog's stats more diligently) and I've been surprised by a frequent viewership from Russia.  I doubt it's more than one or two people who read this, but it looks like it's kind of consistent.
     I'm touched!
     I regret to say that I know very little of Russia, it's past or any of its culture.  Despite that, it's always been a country that intrigued me.  Here's the very little of Russia that I know from the top of my head:
- It's HUGE  (biggest country in the world, right?)
-A lot of the hugeness is from Siberia, which is cold and probably pretty uninhabited.
-Russia has a small company that breeds and sells domestic foxes.  I want one.
-We didn't get along to well in the Cold War, but that was before my time so no hard feelings, right?
-Peter the Great?  He was Russian right?  I forgot why he was so great.  I do know that he was freaking tall and apparently met Napoleon.
-If someone tries to invade Russia, it won't work.
-Russian women apparently make great models (so I've been told)
-Cossacks were Russian...
-My name (Mikhail) is Russian in origin, despite the fact I have no Russian blood.  Mom, dad, I still don't get it...
-Stalin was a jerk.  Was Lenin a Jerk?  I don't know...
-Cyrillic is the Russian alphabet.  I don't know it, but it looks cool, and Russian sounds cool.
-Mussorgsky was Russian... I thiiiiink. So was Tchaikovsky.  Both good composers.
-Czars were the rulers of Russia before the Communists came to power.

      Huh, I guess I knew a little bit more than I thought.  It still doesn't do it any justice, I'm sure.  I should look up more about Russia.

      Hello to my Russian follower(s)

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