Mar 28, 2011

Pain unfolded

      A boy saw a girl.  He saw her beauty, her personality, her love of life.  He saw her talent, her intellect, and so much more.  He didn't think anything could happen, she was so much.
      The boy met with fortune and the boy got the girl.  They were happy, they had fun, rough spots were few and far between and never anything to trouble them.  The boy wondered how he had become so lucky to have the girl.  Life was beautiful.
      They were in love.
     And then things changed.  There was a sudden distance, a fissure which the boy didn't at first understand.  He tried to pry with little success and feared with good reason.  The girl was holding something back.
      Finally on a day in March, the girl let him know.  They couldn't be together, time was not on their side.  She said the pain would be better now than in the near future.  She said it had to end.
      The boy saw her wisdom, he didn't fight, he wasn't mad.  Only hurt.  He knew she was right, time travels so fast, and they couldn't last.
      The problem with love is that it knows not sense.  It won't fly away at simple truths.  So for now the boy will hurt, get better later, but not now.  For now there is only the pain unfolded.
     Oh my Trocker... my dearest, loveliest, and now farthest away Trocker...

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