Mar 11, 2011

Never write yourself off as something

       If I were to put myself into a social class or "clique", I would hands down say nerd/geek.  I'm okay with that, and I know darn well why.  I love the internet/computers in general, I'm not athletic and don't care too much for sports, I can be socially awkward, and some of my favorite movies are Star Wars (Old trilogy is better!), Lord of the Rings, etc...  (though inception is still in my top 10).  One of my favorite things to do is read... all in all, I'm nerdy is what I'm trying to say.  And for awhile I totally embraced this or whatever.  I was M.B.easy, the geek (rock on!)
     As I've gotten older I've been wondering what parts of my life have been shaped because I insisted on being a band/computer nerd in all things, and what I've missed out on.  And now, just this last term, it's been made apparent.
      By a series of procrastination and schedule failure things, I ended up in Welding as an Art, a Dreaded Shop Class.  Upon entering, it was clear that even though it had the word "art" in the class title, this class attracted a different kind of person.  A bigger, more football-prone agricultural person, which was a bit shocking.  I was worried.
       Allow me to say that at this point I'm still somewhat-resigned-to-nerdiness M.B.easy, and if I resolved to stick to it, I probably would not be enjoying welding at all right now.  Instead,  I figured I should just walk in and do my best to actually see what the class was about.
     I'm shocked.  Not only has Welding become one of my favorite classes, but I'm surprisingly good at it!  (Not great, as I've only been in it half a term now, but improving quickly)  Also, the larger and slightly more relying-on-their-body people are turning out to be not hard at all to get along with.  I doubt I'd ever want to chill after school with them, but they have style which is amusing at times.
       Had I just looked at this class as a nerd-and-nerd-alone person, I doubt I would like it at all and would be too intimidated or unentertained to have gotten too far in the class (and I am a klutz, I've burned myself slightly twice, teehee) Yet here I am, enjoying something I didn't think I could because I won't conform to something (all due respect to nerds out there).

Wellllllllllllll.... ok, I admit, I made a lightsaber out of metal today.... still gotta love my geek stuff

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