Mar 19, 2011

Steam usually comes out of a...

        ...Vent... that's what I'm going to selfishly and wholeheartedly do right now about this last week I've had, because right now I'm bloody tired of just trying to keep calm and be supportive and yadda yadda yadda...
        Allow me to set the scene: A band trip to Florida for spring break, bursting with an agenda of amazing fun things to do, such as four amusement parks (three of them disney, one universal), a beach visit, a hotel with three pools two hot tubs, and a mini golf course (I LOVE mini golf!).  Add to this the fact that with me would be a girl who's pseudonym has been used enough that you know to whom I'm referring.  It was set up to be a week of heaven, pure and perfect.  I was excited for all of it.
       I'll start with what went right, as that list is so much shorter.  Well:
-Harry Potter World, in Universal studios, was indeed a fantastic experience.  I did miss a few rides that I would've liked, but went on the best one anyhow.
-At the previously mentioned place I discovered Butterbeer, which is the most delicious cream soda I've ever tasted (and I'm a cream soda connoisseur)
-The band workshop we did with a disney guy wasn't half bad.  It involved our band teacher having to make animal sounds.  Woo!
-We ordered pizza in our room, which complemented the 4 cases of glass bottle root beer I brought (IBC and Virgils, both good companies)
-We saw a Cirque Du Soleil show, which was amazing
And that's all I can really think of
         Now to go absolutely mad with some pent up frustrations:
-Previously mentioned female who I was excited to be with ended up having, what she described to be, her worst case of Panic Males Syndrome (work the letters out) which lasted all week.  I do feel bad for her, it probably ruined her week too.
-This meant that enjoying amusement park rides was out of the question, and since I wanted to be with her, I did go on very few, yes my fault.
-The 30 hour bus ride there and back was good and bad.  Sometimes there were plenty of engaging moments of funtime stuff.  The rest of the time was me being a sleep-deprived pillow, which is ok 'til your leg falls asleep, or taken for granted and ignored which can hurt after a few trips of it.  Eventually I was afraid of having my head bitten off, and just stopped attempting to talk which made a bit of awkwardness, yes my fault.
-That happened in the park as well sometimes.
-I never got to go mini golfing (tears) because the one night that we actually had time, my friend Samwise (who wanted to play with me) was downtown, and she didn't want to...  I'd say the worst part of that night however was again my fault because she all of a sudden began to have fun and energy, but I was already broken by trying to coax response all day (nearly fruitlessly) and I became a wet blanket for that night (Wednesday if you care to know), yes my fault.
-One of my roomates snored.  I can't sleep when there's snoring.  Can't blame him... can't say it helped anything for me though.
-Apparently I'm much less interesting than someone else I know.  Some Latvian.  I'm not jealous or angry, it's surely my fault.
-I just...
This list is failing, I'm just stressed and crabby and need a whole new vacation to replace this one which was effectively ruined.  The perfect week... ha...
I'd like to say I'm not mad at anyone.  Especially my Trocker, I bet her week was no party either given the circumstances, and I really hope I was supportive enough and doing the right things, the last thing I could be is upset.
But I do have all this pent up frustration and so-done-with-everythingness that I feel I need to take out on SOMEbody.  So as usual, trying to be the nice guy, I'll take it out (not physically) on the one person who I know how much they can take.  In fact, it's who I almost always lay the blame on.


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