Aug 29, 2010

Randomness #1

Stupid questions I need answered:
-Where is Waldo RIGHT now?  I need to know!
-How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck Norris?
-Who cares?

The perfect response to any question: FRANCE!!

Not OCD about anything except:
-Word pronunciations
-Realizing that JUST because you don't like something, that doesn't mean it automatically sucks, just that your opinion is different than someone else's (usually)

In truth, most of my family is borderline Obsessive compulsive... EXCEPT ME!!! yay?

Although, having an older brother who IS OCD can be convenient cuz if you give him something to fix/figure out then he will not stop until it is finished... just make sure ya don't give them sudoku books.

I pick up projects and leave them half finished a lot, but that's actually cool because I can then go back to them in a year or so (although I never did learn much of guitar).

Here's a good one:

A trucker pulled into a cafe after a long overnight haul to grab some well deserved breakfast.  The waitress came up and he ordered a big plate of pancakes, another plate of bacon and eggs, and a large glass of apple juice.  He was about to dig in when three tough looking bikers strolled into the diner looking for trouble.
All three looked to the trucker and then sat down at his table.  One of them grabbed his pancakes, another his eggs 'n bacon, and the last one takes his apple juice.  All three then proceeded to eat his food right in front of him!
The trucker just sat calmly through out all of this, payed the tab when the bikers finished, and then left the cafe.
One biker turned to the waitress and said, "He wasn't much of a fighter was he", she replied, "And he was sure in a hurry too!  He just ran over three motorcycles on his way out!"

-Peace out

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