Aug 10, 2010

Hi there!

Well hello anyone who has found the time to read my arbitrary flying thoughts.  Don't worry if you don't know what arbitrary means because I didn't either, but rather found it in the thesaurus because "random" (which was my first choice) just sounds too... pointless. (Arbitrary: Whimsical/chance).

             What I want to first throw out there is the whole concept of blogging, or other versions of online thought, itself!  The unique thing to find about it is that it's really mostly unique to the upcoming generation of folks 15-25 ish.  The older generation generally does not get involved in the throwing of their own thoughts or anything on the web for all their friends or just the whole plain world to see.  In fact, I've heard from some of the older generation that they consider things like blogging or facebook/myspace is really nasty "Oversharing" DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN  (my only limit is twitter, that really is a little much).
My question:  Who is right?  Is this a right or wrong?  (man I wish there were more black & white issues!)
Being able to tell what someone thinks about something at the touch of a button is indeed nice sometimes.  It can help you find people who maybe share your opinions or just to see if a friend is having a bad day plus it's kinda fun to just websurf for cool facts or whatever, and what's wrong with that?!
On the other hand, a little too much sharing can be obnoxious or even dangerous!  Frankly cyberstalking/bullying and even identity theft (or the like) happen more with everyone, smart or simple, on the internet somehow.  So what is there to do?
The information and oversharing age is here to stay! (though I still dislike twitter) Right or wrong really can't apply, so the best that anyone can do is take advantage of the ease of information travel, while being careful to not give out TOO much and watch who is on their friend list(s).  With a little precaution, I believe that utilization of this age's resources can be promising, or at least entertaining.
What's wrong with that?

Well, that's my first blog entrance, I doubt that they will all be this long, and I bet they will improve.
Go do awesome things
M. B.easy

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