Aug 29, 2010

Randomness #1

Stupid questions I need answered:
-Where is Waldo RIGHT now?  I need to know!
-How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck Norris?
-Who cares?

The perfect response to any question: FRANCE!!

Not OCD about anything except:
-Word pronunciations
-Realizing that JUST because you don't like something, that doesn't mean it automatically sucks, just that your opinion is different than someone else's (usually)

In truth, most of my family is borderline Obsessive compulsive... EXCEPT ME!!! yay?

Although, having an older brother who IS OCD can be convenient cuz if you give him something to fix/figure out then he will not stop until it is finished... just make sure ya don't give them sudoku books.

I pick up projects and leave them half finished a lot, but that's actually cool because I can then go back to them in a year or so (although I never did learn much of guitar).

Here's a good one:

A trucker pulled into a cafe after a long overnight haul to grab some well deserved breakfast.  The waitress came up and he ordered a big plate of pancakes, another plate of bacon and eggs, and a large glass of apple juice.  He was about to dig in when three tough looking bikers strolled into the diner looking for trouble.
All three looked to the trucker and then sat down at his table.  One of them grabbed his pancakes, another his eggs 'n bacon, and the last one takes his apple juice.  All three then proceeded to eat his food right in front of him!
The trucker just sat calmly through out all of this, payed the tab when the bikers finished, and then left the cafe.
One biker turned to the waitress and said, "He wasn't much of a fighter was he", she replied, "And he was sure in a hurry too!  He just ran over three motorcycles on his way out!"

-Peace out

Aug 25, 2010

Normalacy theory

I have a theory on what normality is.
When somebody thinks of a "normal person" what do they think?  Usually the guy in the cubicle living an average not-so exciting life who never does anything that would totally offend/weird out someone else.  And there is nothing wrong at all with being normal.  If there weren't a lot of people like this there wouldn't be a normal.
       Of course there's no absolute specific "normal" because everyone is different in at least some way, which means that there is room for diversity even in the ranks of normal people, thus making it not a set kind of person so much as a wall or boundary.  Being "Normal" doesn't mean absolutley the same as someone else who is also "normal"
      And then there are the "different" people (Yours truly included) These people have broken some part of the normal boundary, do something that's strange, work somewhere odd, just act ,well, not normally at times.
         Depending on whether the difference is offensive is by what word is used to describe the difference.  For instance, if someone is not so normal but everyone loves them for that fact (Take someone like Johnny Depp, you can't honestly say he's normal) they are known as "Unique" or "One of a kind".  However, if someone's difference is just that they do things for reasons no one understands except the person (Folks with Asberger's usually fall into here, though they can sometimes be the funniest people I know) these people are oftentimes calle "peculiar"  "odd"  "strange" "weird"... etc. (This is what I would call my own category, though I don't have Asberger's).  Generally, the "not normal" state still has limits on how far out one acts or anything like that

Angel food cake sounds really good right now.

         Oh, and by the way, the limits of the not-norm folks can be broken too but in order to do so, big laws are usually broken (according to this theory).

So there you go, there is a such thing as normal!

Aug 24, 2010

of COURSE I'm not blogging from work... maybe

Well actually, I'm still getting quite a bit of work done, I can type pretty quickly and all of my jobs are pretty outdated and semi-useless I'm beginning to notice... and I get paid well too!!!  But I like the job really, even if it can be dull.  The coworkers are all cool (though most of them are at least 25 years older than me) and I get a lot of hours.  All of it goes to after-high school life (AKA college and a mission). 

Why can't I grow wings?  I think it's time that my body responded more directly to my concious mind. 

On an semi-related note, I think that the placebo effect needs to be looked into more often in many cases.  The idea that you can only think about doing an excercise for awhile and then having that muscle get stronger?  Awesome!!!! (I tried this myself by imagining doing sit ups for awhile... my abdominals actually felt kinda tired). 
Also is there an anti-placebo effect?  Where you give someone the real pill but tell them it's a fake?  If that worked, it might work against weaker poisons... that would be nice.
Is hypnosis the same as the placebo effect?  I bet they're similar.

Aug 21, 2010


Pretty women....
Pretty women vex me.  Why?  Well because I'm a shy and ofttimes awkward individual, so most women who I do think are pretty do not even know me at all.
Something which I can't seem to be able to change...

...gosh dang it

Aug 19, 2010


Well, I'm beginning to count lasts since this is my last year in high school...

Last drill week in marching band...
Last time I get my schedule...
Last time I'll have to do a lot of things....

It seems like, although the school year hasn't even started, I'm beginning to prepare to leave a phase of my life behind...


that's like...

weird... and scary...

I like making dots after phrases...

But it's still weird...

The new life I mean...

Hope I can handle it

Aug 16, 2010

C'mon guys

Well, all the new anxieties are coming up for this soon to be school year... senior year...

and yet.... I'm sort of looking forward to school for some odd reason... 
Probably the whole camaraderie, opportunities yadda yadda yadda
Frankly what I really can't stand to hear is "school is stupid" "Learning is dumb" or "school's a prison"... stuff like that.
MAYBE I'm being a little preachy here, but we have it good!  Virtually free schooling up through high school, with the technology and know-how to really learn some stuff, and I'm FINALLY beginning to enjoy learning a little, even just so I can use the info as an ice breaker ("hey there!  Did you know that storms are divided different cell groups with supercell being the strongest and most deadly?!?!  Who woulda thought") Alright, I need work, but what I'm saying is that an empty head leaves lots of room for stupidity.  I don't want to be stupid!
How is school stupid?!  Where else will you get the chance to play expensive instruments, cut open a shark, learn how to use every art form ever, use a TV studio (exclusive possibly to my school)... what I'm saying is that after high school all of that stuff will probably get REALLY EXPENSIVE unless you make it your career, in which case everything else gets costy and no teacher will teach you for free.
(not that all teachers at the school are competent, but there are enough that are to make it worth it)
The fact is that school opens opportunities (even ones that aren't technically in the curriculum, I've got a streak of mischief >:)  )
also, saying learning is dumb, if taken seriously, will cause one to be unlearned... which is in fact another word for DUMB... irony much?
And school being a prison... wellllll ok, I will admit there are some similarities in a FEW things:
-If you don't go, you're breaking the law (except seniors)
-You are assigned a number (class ID)
-throughout the day you are required to go to different rooms and fill out required slips etc.

Alright I will confess that some of that can grind me down and that summer vacation is well placed, along with other vacations.  I'm not trying to come across as some nerd here (though frankly I am a bit of one) who worships school, outside activities, parties and such are totally part of the survival method.
But I do not hate school.

Aug 14, 2010

The epic of M.B.easy battling the Wasp

After a trip to the library
M.B.easy sat in his home
Not knowing that the scary
beasts were a roam

He stayed at the table
With his pizza to eat
When the wasp, strong and able
flew down by his feet

Faster than falling water
M.B.easy sprang from his chair
To arm with ready swatter
To kill the beast, he did swear

But the bug had disappeared
And so he sat once more
The end of his feast neared
And he forgot about that flying whore ...           (sorry)

 As the dishes were put away
The wasp dove upon him
But to the wasps dismay
M.B.easy was quick to move a limb

For his weapon his hand did gripe
The wasp came from behind
but a fast and random swipe swipe
Left the bug flightless and blind

It pitifully buzzed upon the kitchen floor, done

M.B.easy planned to show no mercy,
for he knew he would've received none

Being slain by the swatter the wasp did not like
But it was what the man had to do
Hoping this would prevent a wasp army strike
Hoping it would scare off any wasps anew

I really hate wasps...

Aug 11, 2010

Oh boy...

Going on a 4-5 hour car drive today...
Fortunately it is to see people whom I love quite a lot (J & D).
Plus I have found that long expanses of time doing nothing can awaken a creative side to me which gets bad and good ideas flowing!

or maybe I'll just play video games, whatever...

Aug 10, 2010

Hi there!

Well hello anyone who has found the time to read my arbitrary flying thoughts.  Don't worry if you don't know what arbitrary means because I didn't either, but rather found it in the thesaurus because "random" (which was my first choice) just sounds too... pointless. (Arbitrary: Whimsical/chance).

             What I want to first throw out there is the whole concept of blogging, or other versions of online thought, itself!  The unique thing to find about it is that it's really mostly unique to the upcoming generation of folks 15-25 ish.  The older generation generally does not get involved in the throwing of their own thoughts or anything on the web for all their friends or just the whole plain world to see.  In fact, I've heard from some of the older generation that they consider things like blogging or facebook/myspace is really nasty "Oversharing" DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN  (my only limit is twitter, that really is a little much).
My question:  Who is right?  Is this a right or wrong?  (man I wish there were more black & white issues!)
Being able to tell what someone thinks about something at the touch of a button is indeed nice sometimes.  It can help you find people who maybe share your opinions or just to see if a friend is having a bad day plus it's kinda fun to just websurf for cool facts or whatever, and what's wrong with that?!
On the other hand, a little too much sharing can be obnoxious or even dangerous!  Frankly cyberstalking/bullying and even identity theft (or the like) happen more with everyone, smart or simple, on the internet somehow.  So what is there to do?
The information and oversharing age is here to stay! (though I still dislike twitter) Right or wrong really can't apply, so the best that anyone can do is take advantage of the ease of information travel, while being careful to not give out TOO much and watch who is on their friend list(s).  With a little precaution, I believe that utilization of this age's resources can be promising, or at least entertaining.
What's wrong with that?

Well, that's my first blog entrance, I doubt that they will all be this long, and I bet they will improve.
Go do awesome things
M. B.easy