Oct 24, 2010

Randomness #2

I've been recently informed that someone is actually reading this blog!  I wonder if it's plural someones?  What do I DO?!?!!?   Ohman ohman ohman... cool.

       So these past few weeks have been adventurous.  Owned state marching band for the fourth year in a row (every award they've got is ours).  And now I'm done with marching band!  ... Now what?
          Biked 32 miles yesterday, still sore, but I felt all accomplishy, so it's all good.  Also went to potentially the best church dance o' my life. because it was just really good.  Side effect: Awkward silences or such now make me think of Abraham Lincoln, I could explain that, but it still wouldn't make any sense.

        Ok, here's a slight pet peeve:  I wear a fedora, not to make a statement or anything cool like that, but simply because I like fedoras, and then I don't technically have to comb my hair (which isn't much of a problem since my hair's short anyhow).   People, if you take my hat to be funny/flirty/whatever, that is totally cool, so long as I do not have to chase you down to get it back.  Taking it, and then hiding it is what 7-year-old girls do.  (not actually thinking of anyone in particular here)

     Word of the week (month?): Pulchritudinous:   Physically attracive, comely
It's actually an english word!!!!!  Though it's origin is american, so I guess we've dented the english language more than I thought, which is fine by me, I like creativity!  (But if I ever hear the phrase "Speak American" there is a good chance I may run away)

          People, hate is bad.  I'm not saying all kinds of hate, it is indeed ok to hate a certain kind of food because it does in fact taste like death, but people are not worth hating.  Even if they are obnoxious twits to you or something, don't degrade yourselves by letting them make you hate them.  It just makes life easier (from my own perspective, which you don't have to share I suppose, march to the beat of your own drummer).

Love y'all

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