May 7, 2012

Awright, das fine

Hey, it's been awhile, hasn't it?  I bet no one reads this post because they've all given up on me being on the internet.  I haven't even done a vlog post recently.  Well at least my comic's been running smoothly lately.  You should go check it out, right?

So what've I been up to... hmmmmm.  Well Spring term is sprung and I'm really liking my classes.  They're, piano, organ, and new testament in case you forgot.  The best, however, is Organ.  Pipe Organs are my favorite instrument and now I'm learning to play them?!?! frickin AWESOME!  I'm putting in 2 hours a day plus class, which is pretty good for me as I've had trouble in the past with practicing things.  Yay Khail!

On a lesser note, the girl I was attracted to decided to (very sweetly and politely) turn me down.  We're still friends, but maaaaaan.  Oh well, I'm really not hurt or nothing like that, just a bit disappointed.  It was last week anyhow.
I also have recently invented a delicious shake.  But it's a SECRET!  Ok, no it's not, because the fact that you read this blog should finally have a reward, so here's my amazing shake recipe:
In a blender, mix up:
5-6 largish scoops of cookies 'n cream ice cream
2 tsp of vanilla extract (imitation ok)
2 tbsp of honey (approximately, I didn't actually measure these)
1 can of Dr. Pepper

Mix until liquid.  It's not the thickest of shakes, but very good.

I'm also planning on tweaking that recipe to make it both tastier and thicker.  Probably more ice cream would help, but I've got a pretty small blender.

As for my "emotional health"  (such a stupid phrase, makes me sound like I'm gonna run off and kill some bros).  Well, ah, I guess I'd say I've been 60% good, maybe 65%, still that's 35% of the time that I feel "off", but I'd only put about 4% of that as actually getting really down on myself.  I think that's pretty good.  Besides, I'm starting to think that being genetically predisposed to be depressed sometimes has given me perspective more than anything.

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