Apr 20, 2012

That old feeling

It's the last day before I move to a new dorm with Daniel, and also the day a LOT of the friends I've made go home for Spring/Summer.  For some reason it felt familiar.
Then I realized what it felt like:
I used to camp with some guys from my church every now and then.  We also did week long hiking trips every now and then.  We got to know the best and the worst of each other while on these trips, and we always had adventures.  Campfire smoke became a scent we all adopted (it usually covered our body odor pretty well) and we all hailed the easily boiled meals that we had packed.  Disasters struck every now and then and we all had to move through them, and there were also plenty of amazing and hilarious moments that made everything worth it.  In the end we were worn out, smelly, and full of memories.  We knew that we were going back to a world of comfort and luxury compared to the bush we had shuffled through (And occasionally the swamps).  Even getting into the car was a relief to our strained muscles and we knew a hot shower and a rock-free bed awaited us.
And yet there's was still  that lingering smell of campfire smoke on our clothes, even after we had cleaned ourselves up, as if to remind us that we were by no means to forget the time spent and the adventures had.  We'd all be friends still, but not much could compare.

I'm sort of feeling the same way now as everyone goes on to take on different this 'n that's in their lives now that freshman year is done.... but there will always be this distinct feeling of campfire smoke when I think about the time we had...

1 comment:

Fire away!