Sep 27, 2010


I had a good monday today, which in itself is rare:
-no homework
-no SCHOOLWORK (we played family feud in gym, yay!)
-Managed to talk to somebody whom I usually can't stammer a sentence around
-And now I have the rest of it off!

All in all I'm quite pleased with how this monday turned, I honestly can't think of anything that would turn it on it's side or make it actually a monday...
In fact now I'm not convinced it's monday, due to the fact that it's been too good.

ALL RIGHT FESS UP!!! Who messed with me so that I thought that this obvious Friday was a Monday, cuz I owe you a nutty bar or something, cuz it's awesome.
        Or maybe some mambas cuz I bought like 13 packs of the things.
Mambas are delicious.

...This is one of my more shallow posts isn't it.  Oh well, go have a nice day, whoever reads this!

Sep 19, 2010

Somewhere over the rainbow...

Are blogs going out of style?  Ya don't hear much about them much anymore except for those guys who blog about political stuff and then make some cash...
(speaking of cash, I made 17 bucks playing my ukulele before a marching band show!!!  That one song I wrote paid off!!!)
But I don't want to get into political things because our voting system is cracked anyways (Seriously, technology today totally makes the electoral college obsolete... it's mere tradition to keep it I think), but that's what I'm not talking about... although if the electoral college WERE gotten rid off, third parties and independents would have a little more of a chance...

 Ok I give up... I will speak politically for just a little bit.
First of all, I firmly believe that if you go way too far left OR right politically, you will find a fair share of imbeciles.  People who are unwilling to compromise and begin to care more about winning then the actual issues.  Arguments become memorized and not evaluated and senators only make points so they can say that they made a point, not to try to sway anybody.  
          Now of course I realize that some people simply think that only leftist or rightist policies are best and that they actually do because they think the facts are right... still... stubbornness ...

this is why I'm moderate...

Now I'm done politicing, ask me about my ukulele, I'm learning somewhere over the rainbow!
Gonna make me some serious cash!  (not sure if it is legal to play on the streets yet, must ask the officer at my school)

Sep 10, 2010

Well fine then

I'm beginning to take the hint that nobody is actually reading these, but frankly, I don't really mind all that much, my only regret is that I wasted a decent pen-name!
So I suppose I can just treat this as a journal of sorts...
I started to play ukulele recently, I'm already writing a song for it, really a simple piece, but I'm liking how it sounds so far.

Also marching band is going well, hope to win our first show tomorrow.
 Adios for now folks